Cut Through the Noise.Know the Patterns!

"I want to Hack the Indian Education System"

this is what Angad Nadkarni of Examify says.And he does what he says.I had recently seen a video of Angad where he was delivering a presentation where Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012.An 18 year old,Angad has devloped an App called Examify with his fellow classmates.

Now,as a teen Angad was a Hacker and had Hacked India's famous gameing Site.And while studing,he came across all the problems which other students face. 

First thing i have to clear that any topic we're talking about is not illegal.

I have written this post,as i was surfing and I found a cool contest o indivine called Idea Caravan so I saw the video to get inspired to write this post. The contest is sponsored by by Franklin Templeton Investments which has partnered with Tedxgateway.

Angad is a Hacker, I have also been into hacking in my early days, I used to make phishing websites,so i can say that The idea behind examify can only strike a hacker

He found out that there are patterns in these papers as there are patterns in other things like hacking he mentioned

He thought about cracking those patterns.And that gave birth to a revolutionary idea "Examify".The reason to make 'Examify' that no child knows what to study and where to start.He don't like the system of coaching classes and tuition teachers and wanted to make an app to help those children to study by making 'Examify'.

So,What is Examify ?

It is an app is an app to predict question of exams directly indirectly he leaked the question papers in a legal way.And he helped students to study for exams in a good way.It help students in exam preparations.And it is a good app too.

I am taking my step forward, while I was writing this article I sent an invite to Examify, I joined it and now it’s your turn.You can yourself watch the video here.

Nd well,i wish Angad best of luck for his Maths Exams.I advice him to use Examify for that :) 

Why Am I sharing it?
I know, I care about and I love my country, I am a student and I know how it feels to be one

That pressure of tuition classes, school, family and that desire of having fun alongside these things is a story of every Indian student

This industry is focusing mainly on the theory, the bookish knowledge which is near to useless years later.

And i Thanks Franklin Templeton for bringing this awesome contest and bringing Awareness.Hats Off Angad and Franklin Templeton .

Franklin Templeton Investments partnered the TEDxGateway Mumbai in December 2012.

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